KosmoKorto - GBJam11 edition
Welcom in KosmoKorto !
Firstly, thank you very much for playing. This game has been made in 10 days for the GBJam11.
In KosmoKorto, you play as a fleet commander trying to flee a gloabl conflict taking place in few system.
Manage, upgrade, enlarge, equip your fleet to prepare the fight waiting for you in the next sector.
You decide wich path you will take to reach the next system and get closer to the calm. But be careful, the enemies will get closer to you too...
Hope you'll have fun!
I stongly recommand to play with a controller.
Keyboad Controls:
- D-PAD: Arrow Keys
- A: Q/A
- B: W/Z
- START: Enter
- SELECT: Backspace
Due to a missing tutorial, take some time to get used to the menuing.
Advices :
- DO NOT SPAM ANY BUTTON (can trigger undesired events and crash the game)
- Check your loadout (select) before all
- You cannot equip a weapon on a ship with a lower tier than the weapon
- When buyin a weapon, donc forget to equip to a ship in your loadout
- I missed some times for in-game balance, I let you give me some feedback about it
Known Bugs :
- Bug: The game does not get more difficult.
Dev Response: Yeaaa... I actually misscliked when I programed the maps gen. and the sectors does not get more "difficulty budget" accross the maps....
- Bug: I can't manage to move my ship to a sector.
DR: Are you on a hostile sector ? If so you have to fight before be able to move again.
- B: There is a sector I can't put my cursor on.
DR: There is a very rare case where if a sector is the only sector in a row AND a column AND it is on the 3rd or 4th column it can't be access... PRESS TAB to try to reach it.
- B: I can't access to the Title Screen from the pause menu.
DR: Button not binded oupsiiiiiiii
- B: The fight seems stuck.
DR: Try to press select to end your turn end reset the turn state.
Note :
The game is and will (certainly) be updated here https://dreamteckk.itch.io/kosmokorto-game if you want to retry a better experience.
Disclaimer ! You should not give jam points to my game after the updated version. Your score must be based on the game linked to the gamejam !
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